Tuesday, November 29, 2011

oh, hey blog!

So, I don't usually feel like I have anything worth blogging about. Which isn't entirely true. I have an amazing husband, wonderful family, great (at times, ha) job, and a ridiculous cat named Walter who has an addiction to licking plastic bags. I could write novels, I tell you! But in the great abyss of wonderful blogs to read, I feel like mine is just another. Another I'm-a-newlywed-look-at-me-and-my-cute-husband blog. And maybe it is. And maybe that is okay. 

On to the point here.


Ohhhh yes. Sweet, sweet cupcakes. Yesterday I devoured a cupcake of such absolute perfection that I must now write an entire bloggy post about it. A cupcake that I may or may not have gone back to purchase two more of since. A cupcake that I immediately had to take to my mom to try. A cupcake with a decadent chocolate base, creamy pink peppermint frosting, and glittery crushed peppermint gracing its top. A cupcake that is an explosion of Christmas cheer in your mouth.

So please, do yourself a favor and go and get a chocolate peppermint cupcake at The Sweet Tooth Fairy right now. You can thank me later. Or now, because I know you'll love it.