Friday, December 17, 2010

happiness in a bottle

Today was a wonderful day. Shopping, Zupas with my lovely husband, and buy one get one half off OPI?! Did I indulge myself? You bet I did. And, being the dork that I am, I even took pictures to document.

First up:

 You Don't Know Jacques! (Don't you just love the names they come up with?!)
 Which I tried first. Me gusta. This is me giving in to the grayish-y nail polish trend. Which to be quite honest, I'm really digging it.


 Bring on the Bling. I love this bad boy. It's from their Burlesque line, which is all so spaaaarkly!

And third,  but not least:
OPI Ink. I've gotta admit, I'm a little disappointed by the name, but It's a lot more shimmery and awesome in real life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Finals. Are. Over.

I have never studied so much in all of my twenty years. For real. And when I say "for real" I mean it  the bed intruder dude on YouTube. If you haven't seen that yet, you must NOW. Even though it is so last month. But that is okay.

Now that finals are over, I have this abundance of glorious free time. Some things on my to-do list include:

1. Paint my nails. I love nail polish. Especially when it's on my nails. I have probably painted them once this semester. Who am I and what have I done with myself??

2. Clean the apartment. It is bad. Our poor, poor apartment has been badly effected by the ugly face of finals.

3. Experiment with my hair. I am in a hair rut. I rotate three different styles (down and straight, and down and curly) that I occasionally pop a headband in. Bo-ring.

4. Christmas shop. I'm about 60% done. That's okay though, cause I like to drag Christmas shopping out. Because I think it's fun. 

5. Cuddle, cuddle CUDDLE! With my cute husband, of course! Our school schedules have been pretty much opposite which has cut down on cuddle time. NO good. We need some catch up. :)

6. Attempt some crafty stuff. Ah, I have become one of those people. I'm obsessed with craft blogs right now, and I have a list of fun Christmas crafts I want to try. Too bad I didn't have time earlier, since it's pretty much Christmas already. Oh well.

7. Re-vamp my closet. As much as I would like to go shopping for clothes, the sad reality is that we are college students with no such money for fun things like that. So I am learning to be creative, with the help of some blog inspiration.

And so much more! It is time to finally enjoy the Christmas season. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

i am a time waster

There. I admitted it. It's the first step right? Now I need to break this terrible habit. It's funny how when there is something important to do (aka study for finals) I avoid it like the plague. That is, until It's the day before the final and I am freaking out. For example, today I got off work super early so I could get some good, quality study time in. I left work at 11, drove around North Orem for about 20 minutes to kill some time, (it's pretty much unexplored land to me, I mean really when does anyone have the need to go there?)


I found a gem there in North Orem :)

This little cul-de-sac, otherwise known as Windsor Court. SO cute. The houses are designed in this old European style, and are absolutely gorgeous. PLUS, they have adorable little street clocks on the sidewalks like this!

Unfortunately there aren't a lot of pictures on the website to really do it justice. I just might have to go back and take a few myself. :)

The rest of the day consisted of grocery shopping at Costco (which really did need to be done), RE-decorating the Christmas tree, making brownies for Cam's work Christmas party, reading blogs, and wrapping presents.

Okay, putting off studying for my math final stops HERE. Goodbye comfy couch, hello math lab.

Math final: Monday. 5:30 PM. Study, Marissa, STUDY!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

an important warning AND fabulousness

So the other day I was at Walmart (bleckkk) in the automotive section with my dearest husband looking for another ice scraper for his car, when the car fresheners caught my eye. Perfect! They are one of those things that I always think to myself that Zelda (my car) really needs, but the thought never crosses my mind when I am actually at a store. So she goes on smelling like nothing special, unless you are my friend Whitney who thinks she smells like "Vegas". But I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not... but anyway, back to the story. I'm looking over the selection, and this little guy speaks to me:
I mean, perfect right?! It IS Christmastime after all! And the smell of Christmas trees is just fabulous. Our apartment smells awesome thanks to our real tree, and I was sure my car would smell just like that with the addition of this bad boy.


My car smells like soap. Imitation "pine" flavored soap, and the smell refuses to leave. I guess I'm just spoiled since I smell the real deal every day. So, unless you are a fan of pine flavored (is flavored the right word, probably scented, but I like flavored better) soap, I would suggest keeping far far away from this little tree.

Well, on a more fabulous note, today I entered this legit giveaway (in addition to the other giveaway) over at The Daybook for a $50 gift card at Ruche. Oh my goodness, YES. If you are not trying to study for finals (and even if you are...I was) you should spend, like, 3 hours looking over their stuff, and Sydney's blog (The Daybook, of course). Both are seriously fan-freakin-tastic. You will thank me. All two of you that read this. :)

And with that, I am going back to writing a book report on a children's book for my COLLEGE Algebra class. (Come on teach, really?)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

harry to the potter

Well. It's been a month since I've posted. I'm afraid that I'm just too boring. My time is much better spent reading inspiring blogs and basking in their exciting-ness.  I do quite enjoy posting though, so here's a little somethin somethin that's been on my mind. A lot.

I love me some Harry Potter.  I'm watching Order of the Phoenix at this exact moment. Thank you ABC Family for lumping Harry Potter in with your Christmas movies. I guess there is a Christmas scene in every movie...a stretch, but hey, I'll take it. :) 

So, the past couple nights Harry Potter has even visited my dreams! The first one had to do with You-Know-Who coming back, starring me as Harry. Long story short, Voldemort was trying to convince everyone that he was now a good guy, but Neville Longbottom knew he was still a slimy dark wizard. We had to arrange secret meetings in the produce section of grocery stores using floo powder. The second dream involved the Spanish Fork Pool. Fascinating, eh? Haha. This Harry Potter marathon has come at the perfect time, since my dreams have put him in the forefront of my mind.

Alrighty, well that's enough for now. I've gots me some Harry Potter to watch. :)